Quick write

Here are five things you can do on mar sis. Visit the tails volcano in the solar system if you are a 

licence astronaut and have a rocket then you can do all these things on mars  

see the largest canyon in the solar system

 Search for possible signs of life at Gale crater

.Spot a star trek logo on Mars

Be adventures and ride around on mar on a terrain vehicle

Unlike water There is on natural food on Mar.Let’s assume that earth will no longer sustain life so Martians won’t be able to import their favourite food ether.


Its surface is rocky with canyons volcanic dry lakes beds craters are all over it

2 thoughts on “Quick write

  1. Kia ora Matthew,
    Thanks for sharing your ideas about things you can do on Mars. My favourite is to spot a star trek logo. I love that this is a real thing.
    Did you know there are two Martian moons? One orbits Mars really fast and moves around the planet three times on one of our Earth days?
    Which is your favourite thing to do on Mars?

    Ngā mihi,